Shehryar Khursheed

Shehryar is an analyst on the Sequoia team.

Shehryar started his career as a summer intern at Starboard Value. He joined Ruane Cunniff as a summer intern and then as a full-time analyst upon graduation in 2021.

Shehryar graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, Summa Cum Laude, with a BS in Economics.

How did you develop your investment philosophy/get interested in investing?

I started investing in 10th grade. I started an investment blog before the age of Substack that I ran throughout college. It combined my love for writing and multidisciplinary learning.

What do you enjoy outside of work?

I'm a long distance runner. I have been running since 2020, and have 3 marathons and 6 (official) half-marathons under my belt. My goal is to run each of the Abbott World Major Marathons - New York, Chicago, Boston, Berlin, London and Tokyo.

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